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5 Ways to Cozy Up Your Home

It’s cozy season! And there’s no better time than now to cozy up your home for cooler days ahead. Blankets, flannels, gourds, and seasonal scents are just a few elements that invite us to kick off our shoes, get comfortable and relax. As makers of home, we can create an atmosphere that provides a place of peace, rest, comfort, joy, and security.

The best part is you don’t have to shop and spend a lot of money to achieve this. You just have to be intentional with what you have. Doing this is a great way for us to take care of our families and others we welcome into our home. It’s something we get to enjoy, too as it stirs up feelings of contentment and gratitude. Truly a win-win. So, here they are –

Five Ways to Cozy Up Your Home:

  1. Something homemade. Always makes a home feel more cozy. It’s usually the kitchen where friends and family love to gather, appreciating the smells and tastes of something good. For us, it can be apple turnovers or cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, hot cocoa, or even a savory soup or chili that’s been cooking on the stove. Foods comfort and bring us together and quickly give us those cozy feels.
  2. A good playlist. Music evokes memories and feelings of nostalgia. The right music can lift our spirits, calm our mind, and inspire us. Derek and I love a mix of old with a sprinkling of new. This time of year, we enjoy listening to music from It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown or a great fall playlist like this one I put together.
  3. Fresh flowers (and gourds). From the garden or your local florist, fresh flowers are a way to add beauty and color and instantly boost our mood. It’s an easy way to make our space feel more like home – rooted, established and connected to the very nature around us. Tis the season for pumpkins, and who doesn’t get excited placing pumpkins in the entry and around the house?
  4. A nice scent. It’s funny how smells, like music, often stir up those nostalgic feelings and memories. The pleasing aroma of a stovetop potpourri or candle can calm us and create a sense of peace and warmth. Some of my favorite candles are from Brooklyn Candle Studio, which I like because they are clean-burning and won’t leave you with a headache. Derek and I love this scent for fall.
  5. Lighting. I can’t say enough how much lighting affects the atmosphere and environment of home. It sets the tone – warm, inviting, soothing. The right glow is comforting and cozy. We tend to avoid overhead lighting as much as possible, relying on natural light during the day and the soft glow of lamp light at night. I will forever choose a warm or soft white led bulb over the harshness of a bright white led light. And if you have a fireplace, you know it only boosts that coziness!

Bonus: Having books or magazines within reach for reading (whether on tables, shelves, or nightstands) is an excellent way to encourage getting cozy! Because we know, sometimes there’s nothing quite as comforting and even rejuvenating as settling in with a good read.


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